Im getting married in one week and the past few nights I've had sex dreams or even just romantic dreams (no sex involved) involving other men. One dream was an exbf who I did love and occasionally miss but dont love anymore and the others were just men that I see around and don't even know.
The last one I was with a man in an aquarium thing underground (with walls glass so u can see fish) and it broke but he put his hand over my mouth and protected me from drowning. Later that night I had a dream where I saw a man I see at work sometimes and our eyes kept meeting and by end of it we started talking and fell in love and kept holding eachother.
One before that I was with my ex bf in a giant hot tub/pool with flowers and incense and we were just holding each other (nothing sexual) and some of my friends walked in and i was upset but not embarrassed, then all the flowers started to burst then I woke up.
These arn't normal for me, and I love my fiance...any insight?
Are sex or romantic dreams before a wedding common?
You are lucky that you at least recognize their faces even when you don't know them, I always have had dreams of women I never saw before in my life, actually I wake up sometimes with names for them. Those dreams are normal and they are just translation to fragments of thoughts you might have had subconsciously and they don’t mean that you are cheating or willing to!
Reply:I think these dreams are your way of having "one last fling" with these men that you're not in love with anymore but still find attractive.
You can't bring yourself to actually have one with these guys because you love your fiance, but you're just looking to "close the book" on that lover with a final swan song.
I wouldn't worry about it, but I also wouldn't tell your fiance. He may think you have other thoughts in mind...
Reply:These are very normal. I would say if you don't get these kinds of dreams you are abnormal :-)
Reply:I would guess that these kind of dreams are quite normal before one's wedding. There's usually a lot of anxiety and stress before the ceremony. Probably these dreams are your subconscious way of dealing with the idea of getting married, both in terms of getting used to the idea of being with this man the rest of your life, and probably saying goodbye to the life you had before or things that potentially could have been. Understanding and dealing with issues are one of the main functions of dreams. No matter the content, they do not mean you don't love your fiance.
Reply:Those are normal, and a little hot.
I would actually tell him, if he has an open mind!
Maybe leave out who the guy is in the one, but other than that, he might wanna hear it.
Reply:these dreams are normal; and even though you love him, you might just be worried about leaving yourself to one guy. weddings are stressful, and its the beginning to a new future, dont worry about it =)
Reply:My guess is that you might be feeling subconsciously tied down, knowing you will soon not be free to see other men.If you truly love your husband-to-be, I wouldn't worry about it.
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