Friday, March 12, 2010

Help me, my grevillea is dying...?

We live in Sydney, NSW, Australia.

We planted native plants in our garden about seven weeks ago. A callistemon, three different grevilleas, a banksia and a boronia.

All these plants have settled in really nicely and new growth is on everything except the banksia.

One of the grevilleas we have is "Edna Walling - Softly Softly" (Grevillea alpina x lanigera "Blush").

It has been great, flowers all over it until now. On Saturday it was looking ok but Sunday, it wasn't looking great. Yesterday, it was looking worse. It seems to be going downhill really fast. All the new flowers have kind of shrivelled up and the plant looks dry.

We have had some hot days here but since the plants seem establishd, we have backed off with the water. All the other plants are doing fine. We did give them some water on Saturday, though.

Can anybody help me? I want to save my plant.

Help me, my grevillea is dying...?
You sound like you have done everything right, im a greenkeeper in qld, causes/ bark to close, wet soil, check your ph soil conditions avoid fertilisers high in phosphorus avoid fowl manure and mushroom compost.Use fertiliser rating of 8.1.5 this will be written on the bag NPK. Borers could cause problem,look for a sap on trunk good sign of borers, prune tree back cut any dead growth off now , new growth should appear in a few weeks.If you scratch the bark on your tree you should see green on trunk if not cut back untill tree is green.
Reply:First, clip all the blooms off and cut the stems back by a few inches. This will allow the plant to send energy to the roots rather than to flower production and maintenance.

Then, give it some root stimulator...Schultz is a good brand but any kind will do...It contains vitamins and will help boost the plant up. You should see results within 24 hours.

SuperThrive is a good product to use in a planting emergency; it is a seaweed solution and makes plants 'perk up'. Fish emulsion is good, too, but attracts cats and dogs.

Is there a chance you over fertillized it? If so dig out the fertilizer and replant the plant in fresh soil.

The only other thing I can think of is 'pet damage' --could the neighborhood dogs be watering it, too?

Be sure to water daily until the plant is well established; it usually takes 3 to 6 weeks minimum and on larger shrubs up to a year.

Are you talking about a banksia -- also known as a Lady Bank's Rose? If so, don't worry too much about losing the blooms. That happens when you transplant a rose. It's normal. Just go ahead and clip them off to save the plant the effort of doing it itself. Good luck.
Reply:Keep the water up to it, grevillias need to be watered for the first summer. Also you didnt mention mulch, it will need a thick covering of mulch to protect the roots from the heat but not right up to the stem otherwise it may rot. Hope you rescue it.

Edit: It seems you have done everthing right. Cross your fingers and I will too, and a banksia is not a rose LOL.

Oh and pruning, if its dried up on its own, prune the dead bits off when it starts to reshoot, pruning now may give it shock.


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