Friday, March 12, 2010

Why do my dogs keep eating wood?

My puppies have always done this for as long as I've had them. They're APBT's. They eat a lot and are plentifully fed and watered. They get treats a lot and also have bones to chew on. So why do they seek out any kind of wood they can find and eat it. The trim off the walls, my stairs, all the sticks outside, the box around my's so wierd. They eat it then always throw up all the splinters. I imagine this is dangerous. What if the wood cuts them inside? How can I get them to stop doing this?

Why do my dogs keep eating wood?
yup I have a wood eating dog too.

My German shepherd cost me thousands in chewed up things when he was a puppy. including.. cell phones, a hotel room...

He would also chew on logs. I nicknamed him Dr. Destructo because of his tendancies. I found out alot is due to teething, the rest is due to boredom, too much energy, and the need to excersise their powerful jaw muscles.

The perfect cure is a combonation of a few things.

- redirected chewing... when they start with the beaver behaviors.. take the wood and give them something appropriate to chew on, then praise them for chewing it. They will learn its better to chew and not get in any trouble. Also it can make their jaws tired. (the only thing I have found tha stands up to Krash are Frozen Black Kong toys)

Also the boredom aspect. PLay with them and wear them out. Do training with them and teach them lots of tricks to keep them from getting too bored.

Just like Kids, if they have nothing to do they find their way into trouble.

Good Luck
Reply:See your vet. This isn't good and can give them perforated internal organs. Get crates, it's cheap insurance against dog destroying your home.
Reply:If they are puppies, it's probably because they're teething. Don't worry it's just a faze and it actually doesn't hurt them. Puppies are usually attracted to wood There's just something about it that helps the pain of teething. But if it seems like it's affecting them in a negative way see a vet.
Reply:dogs eat everything its not like your dogs are abnormal or anything dogs just like to chew on stuff but that does eem kinda dangerous cuz the splinters and stuff so i guess u could either distract them with like abone or something or u could move the wood somewhere else tell them or keep them inside but i like the one where u tell them no better but its up to you
Reply:Dogs eat wood for something to chew on. And its their way of brushing their teeth.
Reply:You don't want them to eat wood, they are puppies and they will chew, so get them some chew toys and raw hide bones. The bad behavior has to be replaced by good behavior. Good luck

skin disease

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