Saturday, October 24, 2009

I need help on my opening chapter for my horror story, it must me at least 3 a4 sides with size 12 font HELP!?

My last paragraph is-

Soon we didn’t bother, I hadn’t seen him for 7 years before that day. The open coffin, my grandpa laying silently. I remember the air of death around him when he was alive, the way flowers turned their heads in fear to him, the way a fire could feel like a blizzard if he was nearby. Happiness draining from each corner of the room he stood in. The way he insisted that the lights were left off. But now, strangely, he felt almost alive. I know it sounds crazy, but I felt more connected to him, as if a cold wall of ice separating us had finally melted.

i need help on finding a way to write about them moving in to his house. i have writers block!! thnx XxX

I need help on my opening chapter for my horror story, it must me at least 3 a4 sides with size 12 font HELP!?
~~It seems the invisible, ghost-like, presence, of "grandpa" is still very much present, when they move in.

Considering your use of "fire" (great switch, btw), which "could feel like a blizzard if he was [were?] nearby; and, the "cold wall of ice separating us had finally melted" :

Two things come to mind: Your choice, as it whether you use them. If you study the History of Irish Wakes (funerals), you'll find that the coffin of the dead, were placed on Ice...(this was a "viewing"..preserving the body, for viewing. The ice, of course, would melt.

(When they move into the house, the kitchen is bare, except for an old Refrigerator. Inside, is a box. Instead of removing the box, they keep it where it is; in the freezer. The box, contains, Grandpa's ashes, and it was his "wish" to be cremated, and stored in the fridge....

...What is evident, in this "last paragraph," is how the Grandchildren, feared "grandpa"...they had reason to.

Even without the "Irish Wake"..the metaphors you use, are "key" to the presence, horror, and memory, of the "invisible" character.

The memories of the Grandchildren are all the reader has to go on.

Their perception, and the way they "view" him...

Is where you should continue.

~~[note: additional advice. Make your "first sentence, of the first paragraph, (opening the story), something which will reflect the "conclusion" the reader does not see coming.)

Whether it is a Short story, or a Novel, the first sentence is "key"..or, a key:

Example: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.." ...etc..etc..(This is one of the most famous opening paragraphs in literature.)

Charlies Dickens. It encompasses, the movement of the entire Novel, bringing the reader directly to that certain "time" and "place"


If you use the"Irish Wake" keep this in mind:..

grandpa was "unkillable.."...he was; although, melted..very much "alive" [you can use that as a first sentence/first paragraph]; then, when the Grandfather final "wish" is all falls into place. ie: The horror of an Evil man...never gone..always present; even in death.

Good Luck..I'd love to hear, how this turns out.


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