Sunday, October 11, 2009

What do you think of this poem?

Behind the Potted Flowers

Our home has been opened

as a museum.

There are the patched holes in the wall,

still visible,

and recorded stories

for each one.

There are the broken plates and mugs,

in the cabinet;

at least the ones who's handles were glued

back on, and the others that only retained chips.

They have their stories as well.

In the window above the sink,

geraniums still bloom.

And there are the stained stairs,

the spills being the least of what fell.

The wobbly leg to the kitchen table

And the two broken doors,

the one with the visible gash,

and the one to the patio

whose torn, shredded screen still dangles.

They all have similar stories.

But the one

that stands apart from the rest,

is the one that goes with the marked up bedpost,

and busted springs.

That's probably the only one I'll choose to remember.

In a pot, by the window,

two tall wilting tulips take the tired posture

we never did.

What do you think of this poem?
Its amazing and I feel This is another excellent poem for memorization. Once you have the basic story-line down the stanzas almost recite themselves. The rhythm and rhyme are so precise.Youre Fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:And there are the stained stairs,

the spills being the least of what fell.

two tall wilting tulips take the tired posture

we never did.

honestly the poems I see here on answers are BLah usually. You took me with you through this museum and I saw all the imagery. good description, and captivating ending. NOthing bad or to suggest - which is really good, I am a hard critique.

tax credit

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